Fair-Lympics: Spirit of Fairwater

2024 Fair-Lympics Poster

Save the date: Sunday, 28 July 2024

A fun and sporting event for all ages.

The Spirit of Fairwater!

Fairlympics event 2024 at our Fairwater Community is aimed at bringing all residents (renters and owners alike) together for a fun-sporting challenge, inspired by the Olympics games in Paris. With a lineup of classic games like bean bag toss, egg and spoon, and tug of war to name a few, there’s something for everyone (all ages and all abilities) to enjoy and take part in.

START with your Registration by clicking here:

What’s next after registration:
Your Fairwater Community events team is busy planning the events, food and fun arrangements to bring more colour to this festive event. We’re eager to hear your ideas to make this even better. If you’d like to be involved as a volunteer, please let us know. If not thats ok as well, we will be in touch through our social media and your email address.

See you soon!

How are these community events funded?
Fairwater Community Association will be sponsoring this event from donations it receives from the Fairwater Community (ie each of us). While a nominal fee may be involved to make this event equitable for all involved, we hugely appreciate your donations (up to $50 per family per year) as always.
Overall, the Fairlympics event will be fantastic way to spend a day with family and neighbors, enjoying some friendly competition and creating lasting memories right at our backyard.

Account Title: Fairwater Community Association Incorporate
BSB: 062-006 Account Number: 1346 0102


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