Where can I find the most common Frasers Property related questions?
Frasers has created this FAQ document that covers, commonly asked questions, information about your property’s warranty and repairs. Emergency contact details and much more.
When will Frasers be Leaving?
Where can I find information relating to my property including details for home maintenance, appliances, aircon servicing, garage door issues, paint colours, etc.
How can I get involved in community initiatives or volunteer opportunities?
What local events or activities are happening in the community?
What resources or services are available to residents, and how can I access them?
Whose responsibility are the following items?
Will there be any security available on site (e.g. the roving security that Frasers has had during construction)?
What’s happening with stage 14?
Update on works still to be completed (e.g. landscaping at back of Stage 55 , pedestrian access to Marayong ?)
Information on the use of the Sales Centre?
What to do about traffic complaints e.g. speeding, etc.
What day is the rubbish collected?
Ongoing maintenance of the ponds? Who do we report to if it’s not clean?
Ongoing maintenance of parks, roads, pot holes, street lights and footpaths?
Who do you report vandalism, shopping trolleys, etc to?
When will the dog park be ready?
Questions relating to the lights in the private car courts?
Questions relating to the neighbourhood?